
Convertors classes for converting the string input to the desired output type. The GetInput class calls the Convertor after cleaning and before validation.

Creating Convertors

Convertor classes inherit from the Convertor base class. They must be callable, with the __call__ dunder method taking three parameters: the value to convert, a function to call when an error occurs and the format string for the error function. The __call__ method returns the converted value. Error conditions are handled by calling the error_callback function . See error_callbacks for more information on error functions and their format strings. The __init__ method should use super to call the __init__ method on the Convertor base class so value_error_str gets set.

An example of a convertor to change the input value to an integer looks like:

class IntConvertor(Convertor):
    # convert to a value to an integer
    def __init__(self, base=10, value_error_str='an integer number'):
        self._base = base
        super(IntConvertor, self).__init__(value_error_str)

    def __call__(self, value, error_callback, convertor_fmt_str):
            return int(value, self._base)
        except ValueError:
            error_callback(convertor_fmt_str, value, 'an int')
            raise   # re-raise the exception

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'IntConvertor(base={}, value_error_str={})'.format(self._base, self.value_error_str)



class cooked_input.BooleanConvertor(value_error_str='true or false')

convert to a boolean value (True or False.)

Parameters:value_error_str (str) – (optional) the error string to use when an improper value is input
Returns:value converted to a boolean
Return type:boolean (True or False)
Raises:ConvertorError – if value cannot be converted to bool

BooleanConvertor returns True for input values: ‘t’, ‘true’, ‘y’, ‘yes’, and ‘1’. BooleanConvertor returns False for input values: ‘f’, ‘false’, ‘n’, ‘no’, ‘0’.


class cooked_input.DateConvertor(value_error_str='a date')

convert to a datetime value.

Parameters:value_error_str (str) – (optional) the error string to use when an improper value is input
Returns:value converted to a datetime
Return type:datetime

if dateparser is unable to convert value to a datetime

Converts the cleaned input to an datetime value. Dateparser is used for the parsing, allowing a lot of flexibility in how date input is entered (e.g. ‘12/12/12’, ‘October 1, 2015’, ‘today’, or ‘next Tuesday’). For more information about dateparser see:


class cooked_input.FloatConvertor(value_error_str='a float number')

convert to a floating point number.

Parameters:value_error_str (str) – (optional) the error string to use when an improper value is input
Returns:value converted to float
Return type:float
Raises:ConvertorError – if value cannot be converted to float


class cooked_input.IntConvertor(base=10, value_error_str='an integer number')

convert the cleaned input to an integer.

  • base (int) – the radix base to use for the int conversion (default=10)
  • value_error_str (str) – (optional) the error string to use when an improper value is input

value converted to int

Return type:



ConvertorError – if value cannot be converted to int

Legal values for the base parameter are 0 and 2-36. See the Python int built-in function for more information.


class cooked_input.ListConvertor(elem_get_input=None, delimiter=', ', value_error_str='list of values')

convert to a list.

  • elem_get_input (GetInput) – an instance of a GetInput to apply to each element. If None (default) each element in the list is a string
  • delimiter (str) – (optional) the single character delimiter to use for parsing the list. If None, will sniff the value (ala CSV library.)
  • value_error_str (str) – (optional) the error string for improper value inputs

a list values, where each item in the list is of the type returned by elem_get_input

Return type:

List[Any] (element type of list determined by elem_get_input)


ConvertorError – if elem_get_input’s GetInput.process_value() fails

Converts to a homogenous list of values. The GetInput.process_value() method on the elem_get_input GetInput instance is called for each element in the list.

For example, the accept a list of integers separated by colons (‘:’) and return it as a Python list of ints:

prompt_str = 'Enter a list of integers (separated by ":")'
lc = ListConvertor(delimiter=':', elem_get_input=GetInput(convertor=IntConvertor()))
result = get_input(prompt=prompt_str, convertor=lc)


class cooked_input.YesNoConvertor(value_error_str='yes or no')

convert to ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

Parameters:value_error_str (str) – (optional) the error string to use when an improper value is input
Returns:a string set to either “yes” or “no”
Return type:str (“yes” or “no”)
Raises:ConvertorError – if value cannot be converted to “yes” or “no”

YesNoConvertor returns yes for input values: ‘y’, ‘yes’, ‘yeah’, ‘yup’, ‘aye’, ‘qui’, ‘si’, ‘ja’, ‘ken’, ‘hai’, ‘gee’, ‘da’, ‘tak’, ‘affirmative’. YesNoConvertor returns no for input values: ‘n’, ‘no’, ‘nope’, ‘na’, ‘nae’, ‘non’, ‘negatory’, ‘nein’, ‘nie’, ‘nyet’, ‘lo’.


class cooked_input.ChoiceConvertor(value_dict, value_error_str='a valid row number')

Convert a value to its mapped value in a dictionary.

  • value_dict (Dict) – a dictionary containing keys to map from and values to map to
  • value_error_str (str) – (optional) the error string to use when an improper value is input

:raises ConvertorError if value key is not found in value_dict

Returns:the value associated with the choice in value_dict (e.g. value_dict[value])
Return type:Any (type is dependent on mapped value in value_dict)

convert a value to it’s return value in a dictionary (i.e. value_dict[value]). Can be used to map the row index from a table of values or to map multiple tags to a single choice.

For example, to use a number to pick from a list of colors:

value_map = {'1': 'red', '2': 'green', '3': 'blue'}
choice_convertor = ci.ChoiceConvertor(value_dict=value_map)
result = ci.get_input(convertor=choice_convertor, prompt='Pick a color (1 - red, 2 - green, 3 - blue)')