Convenience Functions

Using these convenience functions you can get up and running in cooked_input very quickly. Most users can just use these convenience functions and never have to go deeper into the library.

The convenience functions can also take advantage of the rich set up Cleaners, Convertors, and Validators in the cooked_input library.

GetInput Convenience Functions

These functions create a GetInput object with parameter values for the type desired (e.g. the convertor and a reasonable prompt and cleaners.) The convenience functions are just syntactic sugar for calls to GetInput, but simpler to use. For instance, the following two versions calls do the same thing:

# GetInput version:
gi = GetInput(prompt='Enter a whole number', convertor=IntConvertor())
result = gi.get_input()

# Convenience function:
result = get_int(prompt='Enter a whole number')


cooked_input.get_string(cleaners=StripCleaner(lstrip=True, rstrip=True), validators=None, min_len=None, max_len=None, **options)
  • cleaners (List[Cleaner]) –

    list of cleaners to apply to clean the value.

  • validators (List[Validator]) –

    list of validators to apply to validate the cleaned and converted value

  • min_len (int) – the minimum allowable length for the string. No minimum length if None (default)
  • max_len (int) – the maximum allowable length for the string. No maximum length if None (default)
  • options – all GetInput options supported, see GetInput documentation for details.

the cleaned, converted, validated string

Return type:


Convenience function to get a string value.


cooked_input.get_int(cleaners=None, validators=None, minimum=None, maximum=None, base=10, **options)
  • cleaners (List[Cleaner]) –

    list of cleaners to apply to clean the value.

  • validators (List[Validator]) –

    list of validators to apply to validate the cleaned and converted value

  • minimum (int) – minimum value allowed. Use None (default) for no minimum value.
  • maximum (int) – maximum value allowed. Use None (default) for no maximum value.
  • base (int) – Convert a string in radix base to an integer. Base defaults to 10.
  • options – all GetInput options supported, see GetInput documentation for details.

the cleaned, converted, validated int value

Return type:


Convenience function to get an integer value. See the documentation for the Python int builtin function for further description of the base parameter.


cooked_input.get_float(cleaners=None, validators=None, minimum=None, maximum=None, **options)
  • cleaners (List[Cleaner]) –

    list of cleaners to apply to clean the value.

  • validators (List[Validator]) –

    list of validators to apply to validate the cleaned and converted value

  • minimum (float) – minimum value allowed. Use None (default) for no minimum value.
  • maximum (float) – maximum value allowed. Use None (default) for no maximum value.
  • options – all GetInput options supported, see GetInput documentation for details.

the cleaned, converted, validated float value

Return type:


Convenience function to get an float value.


cooked_input.get_boolean(cleaners=StripCleaner(lstrip=True, rstrip=True), validators=None, **options)
  • cleaners (List[Cleaner]) –

    list of cleaners to apply to clean the value.

  • validators (List[Validator]) –

    list of validators to apply to validate the cleaned and converted value

  • options – all GetInput options supported, see GetInput documentation for details.

the cleaned, converted, validated boolean value

Return type:


Convenience function to get a Boolean value. See BooleanConvertor for a list of values accepted for True and False.


cooked_input.get_date(cleaners=StripCleaner(lstrip=True, rstrip=True), validators=None, minimum=None, maximum=None, **options)
  • cleaners (List[Cleaner]) –

    list of cleaners to apply to clean the value. Not needed in general.

  • validators (List[Validator]) –

    list of validators to apply to validate the cleaned and converted value

  • minimum (datetime) – earliest date allowed. Use None (default) for no minimum value.
  • maximum (datetime) – latest date allowed. Use None (default) for no maximum value.
  • options – all GetInput options supported, see GetInput documentation for details.

the cleaned, converted, validated date value

Return type:


Convenience function to get a date value. See DateConvertor for more information on converting dates. Get_date can be used to get both times and dates.


cooked_input.get_yes_no(cleaners=StripCleaner(lstrip=True, rstrip=True), validators=None, **options)
  • cleaners (List[Cleaner]) –

    list of cleaners to apply to clean the value. Not needed in general.

  • validators (List[Validator]) –

    list of validators to apply to validate the cleaned and converted value

  • options – all GetInput options supported, see GetInput documentation for details.

the cleaned, converted, validated yes/no value

Return type:

str (“yes” or “no”)

Convenience function to get an yes/no value. See YesNoConvertor for a list of values accepted for yes and no.


cooked_input.get_list(elem_get_input=None, cleaners=None, validators=None, value_error_str=u'list of values', delimiter=u', ', **options)
  • elem_get_input (GetInput) – an instance of a GetInput to apply to each element
  • cleaners (List[Cleaner]) – cleaners to be applied to the input line before the ListConvertor is applied.
  • validators (List[Validator]) –

    list of validators to apply to validate the converted list

  • value_error_str (str) – the error string for improper value inputs
  • delimiter (str) – the delimiter to use between values
  • options – all get_input options supported, see get_input documentation for details.

the cleaned, converted, validated list of values. For more information on the value_error_str, delimeter, elem_convertor, and elem_valudator` parameters see ListConvertor.

Return type:


Get a homogenous list of values. The GetInput.process_value() method on the elem_get_input GetInput instance is called for each element in the list.

Example usage - get a list of integers between 3 and 5 numbers long, separated by colons (:):

elem_gi = GetInput(convertor=IntConvertor())
length_validator = RangeValidator(min_val=3, max_val=5)
list_validator = ListValidator(len_validator=length_validator)
prompt_str = 'Enter a list of integers, each between 3 and 5, separated by ":"'
result = get_list(prompt=prompt_str, elem_get_input=elem_gi, validators=list_validator, delimiter=":")


cooked_input.get_input(cleaners=None, convertor=None, validators=None, **options)
  • cleaners (List[Cleaner]) –

    list of cleaners to apply to clean the value. Not needed in general.

  • convertor (Convertor) – the convertor to apply to the cleaned value
  • validators (List[Validator]) –

    list of validators to apply to validate the cleaned and converted value

  • options – all GetInput options supported, see GetInput documentation for details.

the cleaned, converted, validated input string

Return type:

Any (returned value is dependent on type returned from convertor)

Convenience function to create a GetInput instance and call its get_input function. See GetInput.get_input() for more details.


cooked_input.process_value(value, cleaners=None, convertor=None, validators=None, error_callback=<function print_error>, convertor_error_fmt='"{value}" cannot be converted to {error_content}', validator_error_fmt='"{value}" {error_content}')
  • value (str) – the value to process
  • cleaners (List[Cleaner]) –

    list of cleaners to apply to clean the value

  • convertor (Convertor) –

    the convertor to apply to the cleaned value

  • validators (List[Validator]) –

    list of validators to apply to validate the cleaned and converted value

  • error_callback (str) – a callback function to call when an error is encountered. Defaults to print_error()
  • convertor_error_fmt (str) – format string to use for convertor errors. Defaults to DEFAULT_CONVERTOR_ERROR
  • validator_error_fmt (str) – format string to use for validator errors. Defaults to DEFAULT_VALIDATOR_ERROR

the cleaned, converted validated input value.

Return type:

Any (returned value is dependent on type returned from convertor)

Convenience function to create a GetInput instance and call its process_value function. See GetInput.process_value() for more details. See GetInput for more information on the error_callback, convertor_error_fmt, and validator_error_fmt parameters.


cooked_input.validate(value, validators, error_callback=<function print_error>, validator_fmt_str='"{value}" {error_content}')

return True is a value passes validation.

  • value (Any) – the value to validate
  • validators (List[Validator]) –

    an iterable (list or tuple) of validators to run on value

  • error_callback (Callable) – a function called when an error occurs during validation
  • validator_fmt_str (str) – format string to pass to the error callback routine for formatting the error

True if the input passed validation, else False

Return type:


Table Convenience Functions

These functions create a Table object with everything needed to display a simple menu or table. The convenience functions are just syntactic sugar for calls to Table, but simpler to use. For instance, the following two versions do the same thing:

# GetInput version:
menu_choices = [ TableItem('red'), TableItem('green'), TableItem('blue') ]
menu = Table(rows=menu_choices, prompt='Pick a color')
result = menu.get_table_choice()

# Convenience function:
result = get_menu(['red', 'green', 'blue'], prompt='Pick a color')


cooked_input.get_menu(choices, title=None, prompt=None, default_choice=None, add_exit=False, style=None, **options)
  • choices – the list of text strings to use for the menu items
  • title – a title to use for the menu
  • prompt – the prompt string used when asking the user for the menu selection
  • default_choice – an optional default item to select
  • add_exit – add an exit item if True or not if False (default)
  • style – a TableStyle defining the look of the menu.
  • options – all Table options supported, see Table documentation for details.

the result of calling Table.get_table_choice() on the menu table. Will return the index (one based) of the choice selected, unless a different default action is provided in the options. Returns ‘exit’ if the input value is None or the menu was exited.

Return type:

int or str (dependent on default action specified)

This is a convenience function to create a Table that acts as a simple menu. It takes a list of text strings to use for the menu items, and returns the text string of the item picked. get_menu is just syntactic sugar for calls to the Table class, but simpler to use.


cooked_input.create_rows(items, fields, gen_tags=None, item_data=None, add_item_to_item_data=False)

Create a list of TableItems from an iterable (items) of objects

  • items – iterable containing items for the table.
  • fields (List[str]) – list of field/attribute names to use as column values for each item.
  • gen_tags (bool) – if True will generate sequentially numbered tags for table items, if False (default) uses first column value of each item for the row’s tag.
  • item_data (Dict) – An optional dictionary to be copied and attached to the TableItem for the row.
  • add_item_to_item_data (bool) – if True item_data['item'] is set to item.

List[TableItem] of table items (TableItem)

create_rows is a convenience function used to create a list of table items (TableItem) for a cooked_input Table. create_rows tries to make it easy to create the rows for a table from a list of data or a query.

create_rows takes an iterable of items, such as a list, dictionary or query. The items in items can be just about anything too: objects, lists, dictionaries, tuples, or namedtuples. create_rows also takes a list of fields with each item in the list the name of a field or attribute in the items. create_rows iterates through items and add the value for each field as a column value for the table row.

create_rows fetches the field data based on the following:

1. If ``hasattr`` for the fields returns **True** (**__getattr__** is defined), uses ``getattr`` to retreive
    field values. This works nicely for class instances, named tuples, and database query results from an
    object-relationship mapper (ORM).
2. If the items are dictionaries, uses ``get`` to retreive the value for the key matching the field name.
3. If both of the previous methods fail, the first len(fields) values of the item are used (requires
    **__get_item__** to be defined.)


Care is taken to make a single pass through the items iterable as some iterables are non-reentrant (e.g. generators and some database queries)

Example usage - get a list of integers between 3 and 5 numbers long, separated by colons (:):

class Person(object):
    def __init__(self, first, last, age, shoe_size):
        self.first = first
        self.last = last
        self.age = age
        self.shoe_size = shoe_size

people = [
    Person('John', 'Cleese', 78, 14),
    Person('Terry', 'Gilliam', 77, 10),
    Person('Eric', 'Idle', 75, 12),

rows = create_rows(people, ['last', 'first', 'shoe_size'])
Table(rows, ['First', 'Shoe Size'], tag_str='Last').show_table()

create_rows is called by create_table() to create the table rows.


cooked_input.create_table(items, fields, field_names=None, gen_tags=None, item_data=None, add_item_to_item_data=False, title=None, prompt=None, default_choice=None, default_str=None, default_action='table_item', style=None, **options)

Convenience function to create cooked_input a table.

  • items – iterable containing items for the table.
  • fields (List[str]) – list of field/attribute names to use as column values for each item.
  • field_names (List[str]) – a list of strings to use for the names of the table columns.
  • gen_tags (bool) – if True will generate sequentially numbered tags for table items, if False (default) uses first column value of each item for the row’s tag.
  • item_data (Dict) – An optional dictionary to be copied and attached to the TableItem for the row.
  • add_item_to_item_data (bool) – if True item_data['item'] is set to item.
  • title (str) – an optional string to use as the title for the table.
  • prompt (str) – an optional string to use for the table prompt.
  • default_choice (str) – an optional default value to use for when getting input from the table.
  • default_str (str) – an optional string to display for the default choice value.
  • default_action – the default action to take when a table item is picked. Defaults to TABLE_RETURN_TABLE_ITEM*.
  • style (TableStyle) – an optional TableStyle to use for the table.
  • options – a dictionary of optional values for the table. See Table for details.

an instance of a cooked_input Table

create_table is a convenience function used to create a cooked_input table (Table) from a list of data or a query.

create_table calls create_rows() to create the table rows. See create_rows() for an explanation of the: items, fields, gen_tags, item_data, and add_item_to_item_data parameters.

See Table for an explanation of the: title, prompt, default_choice, default_str,
default_action, style and options parameters.


all items are created with the same default_action and item_data (with exception of adding the item to item_data['item'] if add_item_to_item_data is True.)


By default all items (rows) are visible and enabled. Rows can be hidden or disabled by setting an item_filter value in the options dictionary.

Example usage - get a list of integers between 3 and 5 numbers long, separated by colons (:):

items = {
    1: {"episode": 1, "name": "Whither Canada?", "date": "5 October, 1969", "season": 1},
    2: {"episode": 4, "name": "Owl Stretching Time", "date": "26 October, 1969", "season": 1},
    3: {"episode": 15, "name": "The Spanish Inquisition", "date": "22 September, 1970", "season": 2},
    4: {"episode": 35, "name": "The Nude Organist", "date": "14 December, 1972", "season": 2}

fields = 'episode name date'.split()
field_names = 'Episode Name Date'.split()
tbl = create_table(items, fields, field_names, add_item_to_item_data=True, title='Episode List')
choice = tbl.get_table_choice()
item = choice.item_data["item"]
print('{}: {}'.format(item['name'], item['season']))


cooked_input.show_table(table, **options)

Displays a table without asking for input from the user.

  • table – a Table instance
  • options – all Table options supported, see Table documentation for details



cooked_input.get_table_input(table, **options)

Get input value from a table of values.

  • table – a Table instance
  • options – all Table options supported, see Table documentation for details

the value from calling Table.get_table_choice() on the table

Return type:

Any (dependent on the action function of the TableItem selected)